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AFL Tackle Shield With Double Wedge [Pro Model]

Dual-wedged Aussie Rules football tackle shield available in junior or senior sizes. Ultra-durable casing made from rip and weatherproof 600GSM PVC. Dense multi-layered foam core. Woven side straps for manoeuvrability.

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Dual-Wedged Junior Or Senior AFL Ruck Shields  

Dual-Wedged AFL Tackle Shield Specifications


  • Junior: 32 inches high x 13 inches diameter
  • Senior: 37 inches high x 15 inches diameter


  • Casing: 600GSM PVC
  • Core: Multi-layered foam
  • Handles: Woven material


  • Dual wedge design helps players to assume the best body positioning for tackles
  • PVC casing is rip and weatherproof
  • Twin side straps help coaches move the AFL tackle bag
  • Side holes prevent this bag popping on impact

Aussie Rules Football Tackle Shield Manufactured From Ultra-Durable 600GSM PVC

The ultimate piece of AFL training equipment for schools, amateur teams and professional clubs, this high-quality ruck bag utilises a dual-wedged design to help your players consistently perform successful tackles. The protruding sections of this AFL tackle bag will naturally channel Aussie Rules players into the correct body positioning, while simultaneously reducing the number of fouls your team commits on matchdays.

  • This dual-sided Aussie Rules football Tackle Shield is available in junior and senior sizes
  • Top and bottom wedges allow AFL players to assume the posture for successful tackles
  • Outer casing is made from ultra-durable rip and weatherproof 600GSM PVC
  • Multi-layered foam core provides excellent impact absorption for both players and coaches
  • Woven carry handles allow coaches to easily manoeuvre this ruck bag
  • Several cut outs are placed on the bag’s sides to prevent potential popping

With an outer casing manufactured from heavy-duty 600GSM PVC, you can rely on this Aussie Rules football tackle shield to excel in all weather conditions. This ultra-durable material is both rip and weatherproof, guaranteeing your tackle bag will provide an exceptional performance level throughout wet weather AFL training sessions. Attached to this strong outer casing are two woven carry straps. These lightweight handles allow AFL coaches to effortlessly manoeuvre this ruck bag into several positions, helping training sessions recreate the feel of a competitive Aussie Rules football match.

To reduce the number of training ground injuries your AFL team suffers, this dual-wedged tackle bags’ core is made from dense foam. This multi-layered filling can easily absorb the impact of any tackle, providing an exceptionally high safety level throughout intense Aussie Rules football training sessions. 

   Height  Width / Diameter
 Junior   32 Inches (81cm) 13 Inches (33cm)
 Senior  37 Inches (94cm) 15 Inches (38cm)